Breast Care Balm

Regular breast massage is an important preventative practice for any woman actively caring for her long-term health. Self-massage is an ideal way to be familiar with your breasts and recognize any changes as they occur. In addition, massage stimulates the lymphatic system and improves circulation, helping to facilitate the release of any stagnation. This new formulation was born out of the request from a thriving women’s health clinic that wanted a tridoshic breast balm that could be used by all types of women in support of regular breast self-examination. Transform this healthy practice into a delightful gift to yourself offered with the love and respect that every woman deserves. This formulation is less building and more soothing and comforting than our original Breast Balm (now Beauty Balm) and is well suited for women that may be experiencing fibrocystic breast changes and the associated pain, tenderness, and lumpiness.

Massage aid for regular breast care
Soothing and comforting formula
Balancing for all doshas

Healthy Hair Oil (1 fl oz & 4 fl oz)

Applying herbalized oils to the head and massaging into the scalp is a traditional Ayurvedic practice that has been used for hundreds of years to maintain a thick, lustrous head of hair. Gently massaging the head stimulates the hair follicles and allows the deeply nourishing herbs and oils to penetrate the scalp, strengthening and thickening the hair at its roots. As an added bonus, massaging the head with oil calms the mind and promotes sound, restful sleep.
Healthy Hair oil brings you the powerful effects the top three Ayurvedic herbs known to have a special affinity for your hair, cooked by traditional methods into a moisturizing and nourishing base of sesame and coconut oils, and then infused with the essence of hibiscus flowers, also used to support the natural health of hair. Bhringaraj, known as “the ruler of hair” rejuvenates the hair and scalp, supported by the cooling and cleansing effects of Amalaki and Brahmi (Gotu Kola). Together, the certified organic herbs are used to infuse the oil with qualities known to Ayurveda to strengthen and protect the hair. Used on a weekly basis to massage the hair and scalp, Healthy Hair oil will support your natural thickness, color, and shine. For Thick and Lustrous Hair, Nourishing for All Hair Types.

Nourishes and rejuvenates the hair
Supports thick, full-bodied hair
Brings out the hair’s natural color and luster
Promotes soft, silky, manageable hair

Mental Clarity

The herbs in Mental Clarity have traditionally been used to support all aspects of mental performance, including memory, concentration, and learning capacity. This effective blend helps sharpen the mind and is useful for those prone to forgetfulness, confusion or indecisiveness. Mental Clarity is an ideal supplement for students, seniors and anyone with a mentally demanding workload.*

Promotes Memory and Intelligence*
Supports optimal performance of the brain and nervous system*
Promotes memory and recall*
Helps maintain focus and attention*
Helps foster clarity and decisiveness*

Para Cleanse

Para Cleanse is a powerful cleansing formula used to maintain a healthy digestive environment. Containing bitter and pungent herbs, it deeply cleanses and detoxifies the GI tract. Para Cleanse also helps support healthy digestion and intestinal immunity when traveling abroad.*

Maintains a Healthy Digestive Environment*
Supports the GI tract in maintaining a healthy digestive environment*
Bolsters intestinal immune function*
Promotes the elimination of natural toxins*

Pitta Digest

Pitta Digest is a dynamic combination of herbs formulated to strengthen digestion without aggravating pitta. Excess pitta causes increased heat, sharpness and oiliness in the digestive tract. These qualities aggravate and inflame the digestive fire, creating conditions which can lead to discomfort. Pitta Digest contains herbs that support healthy digestion while cooling and soothing the tissues in the GI tract.*

Promotes healthy digestion without aggravating pitta*
Maintains healthy digestive acid levels and a healthy stomach lining*
Supports a comfortable post-meal experience*


Triphala is recommended and used more than any other Ayurvedic herbal formulation. Popular for its unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it, this traditional formula supports the proper functions of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and genitourinary systems. Translated as “three fruits”, it is composed of the dried fruits of amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki. Containing five of the six tastes (all but salty), Triphala readily removes excess vata, pitta and kapha from the body, bringing balance and proper functioning to the system. It is commonly taken as a daily supplement to help maintain balance of the doshas.*

Assists natural internal cleansing*
Gently maintains regularity*
Nourishes and rejuvenates the tissues*
Supports healthy digestion and absorption*
Natural antioxidant*

Vata Digest

Vata Digest is the classical Ayurvedic formula known as Hingvastak. This vata-soothing combination of herbs supports the entire digestive process and is especially useful for those with vata predominant constitutions or vata digestive imbalances. Vata is cold, light and dry, qualities that in excess can inhibit proper digestive function and create discomfort. Vata Digest contains herbs that are heating, grounding and oily. They effectively counter the opposing vata qualities, creating balance.
Vata Digest’s heating quality enkindles the digestive fire, stimulates a healthy appetite and helps ensure that nutrients are properly absorbed and assimilated. Its grounding quality helps calm the excessive air movement in the system that is characteristic of vata. The oil quality of the herbs supports the natural lubrication of the intestines, assisting in thorough and healthy elimination.*

Promotes healthy digestion*
Calms excess vata in the GI tract, promoting intestinal calm and comfort*
Supports proper assimilation and absorption*
Helps maintain regularity*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner or call to know more.